Healthy Eating in Schools

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Because of the busy schedules that most families have these days, nutrition and a healthy diet is not always the first priority. Throughout the day, balancing the requirements of one's everyday schedule and one's diet can become hard for many people to balance. Many people today find it easier to eat a quick bowl of cereal, run through a fast-food drive-thru, or warm up a frozen meal, than to put the time into planning a healthy, well-balanced meal. This can eventually play a negative role on students throughout their day at school. It is key to introduce to students the importance of establishing healthy eating patterns. "Five leading medical associations and the U.S. Department of Agriculture challenge schools and communities to promote healthy eating among the Nation’s students (USDA,n.d)." Because many children these days are facing obesity and the negative consequences of eating unhealthily, the USDA along with others are encouraging schools and communities to promote healhty eating habits into all schools. They believe that by establishing a more balanced diet into school's meals, and by making students more knowledgeable about this topic, in the long run, students will reep the benefits of a healthier lifestyle.

Recently, some schools have removed the normal cafeteria meals from schools and have introduced a more healthy way of eating. These schools brought chef's in to teach student's new, healthier ways of eating. Some children were able to go on field trips and have hands on experience with how and where these foods and vegetables were grown. (Kelly,2009)

USDA.(n.d.)Promoting Healthy Eating Behaviors: The Challenge.
(Kelly,2009)Children, meet your vegetables.,0,3286159.story
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